Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I have seen it being done throughout the blogging world, and have finally (about 4 months late) decided that I have much to be grateful for and that posting a blessing a week would help me to recognize, and value the many things that I have been blessed with. That being said, this is 52 Blessings, blessing number 1.

I am grateful for my husband! I have a wonderful husband who always puts me first. When weeks drag by, and my optimism is low, he always does something, no matter how small to make sure that I know that I am loved, appreciated, and that he notices the small things (some of the small things that is, I could die my hair hot pink, and he would think I bought a new t-shirt)
Jordan and I started dating in high school. The truth is, I met him really, when I was dating his best friend, but who needs to know the details. We never really had any classes together. One that we can both agree we had together, and that was a social class. Jordan is very smart, and has always achieved well is school for as long as I can remember. He has also never enjoyed working on school assignments, but rather liked to learn new things (of his choosing) and implement them.
after nearly 2 years of dating, and a year of that being a long distance relationship while I was away at school, I sent Jordan on his mission. He hoped I would be here when I got home, and I hoped for the same thing, but also did not feel inclined to live like a hermit. He was only gone a few months when I dear Johned him. I did continue to write for the remainder of his mission, just more sporadically. He was after all my best friend.
as the story goes, he was home from his mission 6 weeks, and we were engaged to be married...
and married 6 weeks after that.

I am grateful for Jordan, and think that it is very important to count him among my blessings. I have a wonderful life, and I am grateful that he is a part of it!

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