Saturday, October 3, 2009

How much do you tell a 4 year old when you can't keep a straight face?

When we brought Ryley home from the hospital Skyler was super concerned because her 'penis' was black - We quickly explained that Ryley doesn't have a penis, and that it was the umbilical cord - where baby Ryley had gotten food from mommy. Then just a couple of days ago Skyler was putting one of Ryley's diapers in the garbage for me, and asked if it was poo, or just pee. When I told him it was a dirty diaper he looked at me a shrugged his shoulders - 'of course it is mom, she has 2 bums...'


Dorienne said...

So cute, so innocent. We've always told our kids straight up. You have a penis and you have a vagina.

Kira said...

THAT is one of the funniest things I have read in a long time! Thank you for this post :-)

Dayna said...

haha that is so hilarious! What a funny kid. your girl is gorgeous by the way!

Bree Johnson said...

haaaaaaaaaa oh man thats so funny! Brandon and I have laughed at this all morning!

Cindy Anderton said...

priceless, I am going to have the opposite problem of having a girl ask me what is wrong with her brother

Ashley Dawn said...

hahaha, my kids frequently wonder why their brother has a "bump".